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[Video & Photos]: Death toll at Kintampo-Kumasi road accident rises to 35



The death toll in the Kintampo accident has risen to 35, the regional minister has told Starr News.

Others who were injured are currently receiving medical attention at a nearby hospital.

“Per the briefing I have 35 lives have been lost. 27 burnt beyond recognition. 6 injured and in critical condition. One escaped with a scratch. Our preliminary suspicion is that one of the vehicles had a can loaded with extra fuel. That aggravated the extent of the blaze during the accident,” Bono East Regional Minister Kofi Amoakohene speaking on the Starr

The accident occurred Monday morning, a police source told Starr News.

An eyewitness Wiafe Akenteng told Starr News the accident involved a benz sprinter  and Yutong buses.

“The bodies are burnt beyond recognition. It is difficult to even make them out especially to separate men from women. Both drivers are dead, one of them is still trapped under his vehicle,” he told Francis Abban on the Morning.

The sprinter, according to him, drove into the lane of the Yutong causing the accident.

Emergency service workers are currently on the scene working to clear the area for traffic.

See video and photos below: 

Source: Ghana/

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