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Obuasi: The Resurrection Of A Ghost Town By The Man Of Vision, Prez. Akufo – Addo



Life was Obuasi, the gold mining capital of West Africa. The town, for many years, was Ghana’s cash cow when it comes to exports of minerals. In fact, Obuasi rubbed shoulders with the famous South African city of Johannesburg.

The sunshiny town was the envy of many places outside the shores of Ghana. The reins of power took a different direction and brought with it a change that was not in the supreme interest of Obuasi.

Death started visiting, but the then administration stood akimbo, not caring a hoot about what befalls the town. They sat on the fence as the mining capital of Ghana was being beaten to pulp.

Many had hoped something could be done to salvage the mining town from extinction but hope failed to make appearance.

Darkness took over the town as the mines in Obuasi were closed and it would take Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to promise to reinvigorate what appeared to be a hopeless sector.

Not even a badly bungled attempt was made to revive the once boisterous, spirited and vivacious mines which greeted the environs of Obuasi.

John Mahama looked on as Obuasi was dwindling into the abyss and seemed to have no solution to save it.

Today, a new story is being told. Today, a new melodic song is being hummed. Today, the angel of death has departed from the town it made desolate.

Today, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the President of the Republic, has breathed life into the comatose town of Obuasi.

In line with his determination to reincarnate dead factories and to create jobs for the teeming youth, President Akufo-Addo has not only fulfilled his pledge to wake up the dead town of Obuasi but also ensured that the mines are open.

The NDC, known for its myopic tendencies, lacked the wherewithal to generate ideas to shape up the Obuasi mines, and so watched it, helplessly, as it got drowned in the lands below.

A comeback of the NDC should not be entertained. They messed Ghana up. A goat may change its skin but not its inner nature. The NPP under the leadership of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo deserves another tenure of office.

Communist: Komla Fiavi Tamakloe


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