A notorious Kumasi-based armed robber by the name ‘2PM’ has narrated the events that...
The Ashaiman Circuit Court has sentenced three robbers to five years imprisonment in hard...
A well-built man in the city of Kumasi has narrated how he single-handedly chased...
The Police, through a specialised intelligence operation, on 13th October 2022 arrested two armed...
The police in the Ashanti Region have freed Doris Agyei, the woman who was...
The Ashanti Regional Police Command has launched an intense operation to arrest two robbers...
A company at Achiaman-Amasaman in the Ga East District of the Greater Accra Region...
A viral video of four armed robbers storming the home of a lady and...
Eight armed robbers who attacked and shot five people including the Chief at Adanse...
The Kasoa District police Command has arrested two notorious Mobile Money fraudsters who defrauded...