Sales declining due to fufu pounding machines -Traders of mortar and pestle
The traditional method of pounding fufu has suffered a drastic decline since the introduction of the fufu pounding machine and fufu powder, some market women have complained.
A number of Ghanaians now prefer to send their cassava and plantain to the machine to grind or either buys fufu powder to prepare their meal.
Rainbow Radio went in an interview with some market women who sell these mortar and pestle to ask them how sales have been affected by the introduction of the fufu pounding machines.
According to them, sales have dropped drastically as a result of the introduction of the fufu machine and fufu powder.
The team also spoke to some manufacturers of these mortar and pestle and they also said, sales of their products have been bad due to the introduction of the modernized way of preparing fufu, they also said they are not allowed to cut down trees which serve as their raw materials for the molding of the mortar and pestle.