Originally from Papendorp and now residing in Doringbaai, chairperson of Coastal Links Western Cape...
“He called to tell me he had been paid his salary so he would...
VIDEO: ‘Poverty darkened my skin’: Florence Obinim reminds me of Ama Boahemaa – Entertainment pundit
• Florence Obinim has been accused of bleaching her skin • The gospel...
Florence Obinim Wife of Ghana’s only Angel Daniel Obinim, Florence Obinim has broken...
Director of Operations for the FixingTheCountry movement, Hopeson Adorye Director of Operations for...
poverty Professor Agnes Atia Apusigah, a Development Sociologist, has said poverty in any form...
Member of Parliament(MP) for the Asawasi Constituency, Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka has laid the blame...
A woman, identified only as Ruth, has abandoned her months-old baby by a roadside....