The family of a 17-year-old girl have been left in a state of worry...
You’ll need to do a lot more to get her conversing with you normally...
A Basic School teacher in the Ashanti Region was slashed with a machete and...
A fifteen-year-old girl met her untimely death after a fence wall collapsed on her...
A young girl has died after what is being reported to have been a...
A six-year-old girl has died after she reportedly fell into a gutter at South...
A girl believed to be five-year-old has been found dead at Kronum-Abuohia in the...
In parts of South Sudan, a girl’s worth is tied to the number of...
One week after there was a flood at Bremang in the Suame Municipality of...
An 18-year-old girl and her 32-year-old aunt were arrested in Lusaka, Zambia on Monday...