Over 11,000 students refuse admission to UDS

Out of the 16,763 applications offered by the University for Development Studies (UDS) to applicants to study various undergraduate programs in the 2020-2021 academic year, only 5,518 honoured the admission to study in the university.
This was disclosed by the Vice-Chancellor of the UDS, Professor Gabriel Ayum Teye at the 28th matriculation ceremony held on Friday (February 12).
According to him, the university also admitted 512 postgraduate students and 355 accepted the offer.
“Out of a total of 22,609 undergraduate and 939 postgraduate applications, 16,763 and 512 students respectively were admitted. However, only 5,518 undergraduates and 355 postgraduates accepted the offer,” he said.
He further disclosed that the school has taken steps to establish additional campuses to maintain its initial four-campus status.
He said the expansion would help them replace the two campuses it lost in at Wa and Navrongo
He said the university was creating campuses at Gbanyamni in Tamale and another at Yendi.
On courses offered in the school, he stated that new programs including; Bsc Physician Assistant, Bsc Medical Imaging Technology, Bsc Health Information Management have been introduced.
He advised students against the practice of occultism on campus, adding students who were caught in such practices would be punished.
“The university is totally against the activities of unregistered clubs and associations. Occultism and other anti-social and non-conforming practices are outlawed in this university. Any student found to be engaging in any form of occultism shall face full rigours of the university’s rules and regulations,” he stated.