EC to organise IPAC meeting on upcoming voter registration exercise

The Electoral Commission is expected to meet with political Parties at the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) level on the controversial new voter registration exercise.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) together with other political parties and a cross-section of civil society still stand opposed to the compilation of an entirely new register for the December general elections.

A Senior Fellow at the Institute of Democratic Governance (IDEG), Professor Atsu Aryeh on Thursday questioned the Electoral Commission’s seeming reluctance to yield to the opposition, arguing that the ills of the current register could be cured with a limited voter registration exercise.

The meeting which will be held next week Wednesday is expected to provide stakeholders with an opportunity for frank discussions on the issue.

The Electoral Commission had assured that it will consult stakeholders on its plans for the voter registration exercise.

Copies of the invitation letter available to Citi News show that the meeting will be held in 2 groups of 12 political parties each, with development partners, civil society groups and relevant state institutions in attendance.

The EC has published the precautionary measures it has put in place ahead of the registration exercise.

Among other things, it will be mandatory to wear face masks at the registration centres, people’s temperature will be checked before one is allowed into the registration centre and there will be running water available for handwashing, according to an artwork posted on the Commission’s social media pages.

Queues are to have one-metre gaps between persons lining up to register, the scanners will be sanitised and persons who complete the registration process will also be provided with hand sanitiser before they leave the centre.

Source:  citinewsroom.com

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