Woman causes stir with Bible as face mask (Watch)

Following the outbreak of the pandemic, coronavirus (COVID 19), President Nana Akufo-Addo has directed all citizens to wear nose masks while going out of their house.
It wouldn’t have been news if one sees the other wearing nose mask, but this woman has gone viral with her mask. Spotted while entering a shop, this woman is seen using the New Testament Bible as nose mask.
Although people on social media have made fun about the move, this is not healthy.
The Food and Drugs Authority recently laid out some procedure on how to use homemade nose masks to protect ‘yourself’ against the pandemic.
The Authority explained that the face masks must be able to filter out particles and still be easy to breathe through.
The FDA requirements say: It is recommended that fabric used for face mask should be free from all chemicals. In any event that printed fabric is used, the layer of the fabric in direct contact with the face should be a plain fabric that is free from chemicals.
The FDA added that: Reusable homemade face masks should be properly washed before reuse. Used homemade face masks must first be disinfected; then washed with soap or detergent until clean, rinsed under running water; dried in the open sun, and ironed before reuse.
Watch video below:
SOURCE: pulse.com.gh