Wells Investment Company constructs borehole water for five communities in Ashanti region
Wells Investment Company Limited, a Saudi Arabia-based institution has constructed boreholes worth $5000 to five communities in Ashanti region.
Communities that stood as beneficiaries were Pekyi, Trabuom, Kokoben,Fiyiase and Nkranie.
The construction of the boreholes by the company was done as part of their social intervention policy and was also premised on the provision of portable water to deprived communities in the country.
Speaking to this medium in an exclusive interview, the country representative Sheikh Abdul Mushin Baafi announced that the act of charity in question was to help disadvantaged communities to have access to water supply since it is a necessity humanity cannot do without.
Most rural communities in Ghana he indicated are hard hit by lack of access to a hygienic source of drinking water which according to him should be of a great concern to the well- to-do organisations in the country.
Sheikh Abdul Mushin Baafi indicated that the institution is working out plans to extend similar support to poor communities in Ghana.
During the handing over of the facilities, traditional leaders and people of the areas in question underscored the intervention as a great relive to them since availability of portable water used to be a long standing challenge for them.