WATCH: Why Vigorous sex is not good for those who have high Blood Pressure

According to her, vigorous sex which is a form of exercise increases the pressure in the heart which can cause high blood pressure.
“It does but it is a form of exercise after that it brings it down. If you are high blood pressure and you are not on medication because the BP will actually go up before it comes down,” she stated on Tuesday, June 21, on GTV Breakfast Show.
Notwithstanding, the doctor stated that sex is a form of exercise which is good for the pumping of the heart.
“Yes sex is exercise and after that it brings your BP down but you should also know your blood pressure,” she added.
She however advised Ghanaians to do more exercise, especially those with high blood pressure.
“So we encourage physical activity at least 30 minutes a day and this 30 minutes you can do it 15 minutes rest in-between, do 15 minutes and then you rest,” she advised.