
WATCH: Viral footage shows 15-year-old boy presenting his friend for money retuals

The young ritual killer is seen explaining to the spiritualist why he wishes to use his friend for rituals, while the victim begs and reminds his friend that he is his parents’ only son.However, the adolescent boy refused to listen, and when the spiritualist asked if he would be willing to behead his friend if given a knife, he said yes.

The young boy responded that he intended to purchase a GLK once he became wealthy as a result of the rituals when asked what car he wanted to drive.

The victim keeps pleading with his friend, which prompts the spiritualist to wonder why he came to the shrine in the first place if he doesn’t want to die.

The victim responded that he followed because his friend asked him to go along when he ran errands. Later it is discovered that a man posing as a native doctor set up the would-be murderer.


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