VIDEO: Maxwell allegedly threatens to divorce Nana Ama McBrown

Much-loved actress and United Showbiz host Nana Ama Mcbrown is allegedly on the verge of losing her marriage with Maxwell Mensah.

United Showbiz which is aired on UTV has become an abode of controversies since the inception of 2021.

Nana Ama McBrown and husband divorce

Starting from Bulldog’s arrest, MzBel’s Nae-We saga and the recent one, Mona Gucci lawyer brouhaha.

Following the brouhaha as a result of Nana Ama Mcbrown‘s interview with Mona Gucci, last week Saturday — which brought about allegations that Mcbrown’s husband slept with her best friend, Maxwell Mensah is allegedly threatening her with a divorce.

According to Maame Yaa Kisiwaa of Oheneba Media, Maxwell Mensah isn’t happy about these allegations as a result of Nana Ama Mcbrown‘s hosting job at UTV and has allegedly given her two options — either to choose her job or her marriage.

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