UCC Medical Students Association (UCCMSA) In Collaboration With MarieStopes,Ghana Organises a Health Education

Following the rise in STIs and unsafe abortions especially amongst the youth,the University of Cape Coast Medical Students Association in collaboration with MARIE STOPES Ghana, organized a health education talk on the theme “SAFE ABORTION AND STIs AMONG THE YOUTH”.
Speaking at the programme,the representative from Marie Stopes stated that, the use of unapproved methods of abortion is becoming rampant, leading to loss of lives of many ladies.
“The best method to avoid pregnancy is abstinence, but in an event where one cannot abstain, then she needs to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy and STIs.” She added.
“Many ladies abuse emergency contraceptives, however, emergency contraceptives per experts advise are to be taken twice in a year.” She added.
During the questions and answers session, participants listed some of the concoctions they know to be effective in causing abortion such as:taking in a mixture of malt and sugar,doing a very strenuous exercise amongst others.
The resource person discouraged participants from indulging in any of such acts as it puts them at risk of loosing their lives. She encouraged young girls present to seek for counselling from any recognize health facility across the country on all issues concerning their reproductive health.
The medical students also gave elaborative talk on STIs especially HIV/Aids, Genital Warts, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis. In their presentation, they indicated that, the country is struggling to achieve the 90-90-90 agenda.They advised the participants to practice safe sex and encouraged them not to be in multiple sexual relationships. The best way to avoid STIs is abstinence.
Source: Agyare Ernest| Contributor