This is why Bible lied! that God created woman before a man – Mr. Logic detailed

Genesis chapters 2 and 3 give insight into the creation of Adam and Eve and talks about Eve being made from the rib of Adam which concludes that man was the first human created by God.
But Mr. Logic says this is falsehood stating emphatically on UTV’s entertainment show “United Showbiz” on Saturday that “God created the earth according to how he, himself, he was. God never created man before woman”.
To him, “the Bible lied”, stressing “the nature of God is 80% a woman than a man…God created a woman before a man”.
“I don’t want men to be offended but the Bible says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the earth was created by the template of a woman. So, who did God create first? If you want to know about the creation of God, don’t go into the book because the book is an abridged version…use the book and use your creational knowledge”, he added.
“The Bible says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. What is the earth? The earth is a woman, so how do you tell me God created Adam into a woman before creating a woman for Adam?”, he questioned.
Mr. Logic exclaimed that the Adam and Eve story is “a fairytale! It’s a lie!!”