The Nation Is Not Progressing Because Teachers Are Not Well Catered For As They Deserve

Every day we talk about the nation not moving forward especially when it comes to education and employment. We forget that the people who matter in education are not well catered for. When they say their reward is in heaven yet we are expecting goodies here on earth? That things should be better instantly? Never! The everyday wailings of the teachers is on the nation and the people managing the affairs of the nation.
They sit in offices and claim huge allowances bigger and better than a teacher’s salary, even the benefits that come with those positions, let’s not even talk about those. Even out of the teacher’s meager salaries, they still manage to feed those students who’re from very poor homes, cloth some of them, buy sandals for them etc. Leta imagine what outcome we stand to benefit having a motivated teacher in all our classrooms in Ghana.
We always refer to Ghana getting independence before Malaysia and Singapore yet they have a better education system compared to Ghana yes they do but they started from putting teachers first knowing that all the good things we envisage are all cooked right from the classroom.
All good and bad behaviours are cooked in the classrooms and teachers are at the forefront of all these. It’s interesting to know that even on World Teachers’ Day, teachers celebrate this in their classrooms yet on Farmers’ Day, they’re given a holiday, interesting right?
Let us have a rethink as a nation, politicians are only policy makers and formulators but the people who implement matter a lot, because it’s the implementation that brings results. Teachers also deserve the 4*4 cars, the sitting allowances, huge retirement benefits, entertainment allowances, wardrobe allowances etc. When this is done, we will begin to see better results and move the nation forward.
Teachers deserve better than even the politicians, Let us turn our attention to them. All innovations can be introduced into classrooms but when the implementers are ignored, nothing will change really.
The government must have a rethink and put the teacher first! Nowadays, teachers work for years yet know promotion, even when they apllied it never comes, even those who by chance get it, their incremental jump never comes, why? Meanwhile the ex gratias of policitians never delays. It’s so bad, let’s have a rethink, we cannot continue like this!
Samuel Ahiagah
Lead Educator