(PHOTOS): Tears as machine grinds labourer to death; Chinese employer bolts

The owner of a Chinese plastic manufacturing company at Anhwiankwanta in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti region has fled after one of his employees got grinded to death at the factory on Monday.

Youth of the town threatened to burn down the factory after the incident, but for the timely intervention of the police the situation would have been bloody.

The deceased was dragged into a mechanical grinding machine when he attempted to remove a material that had stuck inside it with his bare hands.

The deceased, 22-year old Francis Kwame Adu’s body dismembered at the time it was managed to be removed from the machine.

Mother of the deceased, Maame Ama Ameyaa told that she was shocked when they informed her about the incident.

” He is my last born and I love him, I dont know what to do” she bemoaned.

Some of the employees of the company n an interview said safety measures are not adhered to and disclosed they have no insurance package despite the dangerous nature of their job.

The residents of Anhwiankwanta have called on the Bekwai Municipal Assembly to close down the company.


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