Armed men attack chief in his palace

The chief of Kpargu Yili, Kparigu Lana Abdul Aziz Dokurugu was attacked and nearly killed by six armed men in his palace Wednesday night.
The men wielding locally manufactured guns and wearing facemasks stormed the chief’s palace at about 11 pm.
Upon their arrival, the suspected armed men met a sub-chief to the Kparigu Lana and demanded to see him. When asked their mission for wanting to see the chief, the men said they were sent by the Kanbon naa (chief warrior) of Nanton.
According to a narration by the chief (Kparigu Lana), his sub-chief drew his attention to the presence of the men and advise him not to come out of his room.
The narration added that, before the sub-chief return from the chief’s palace, the armed men had positioned themselves all-round the palace.
This infuriated the youth of the community who also came out armed in defence of their chief.
The armed men according to the chief when they realized could not stand the defence of the community youth fled.
However, the chief said they had identified five out of the six attackers.
The community members have therefore lodged an official complaint to the police.
They have also called on the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) to call the suspects to order to prevent subsequent attacks.
Kparigu Yili is a community in the Nanton traditional area in the Nanton district of the Northern region.
Source: Ghana|