Three children and their grandmother were injured in a fire outbreak Korle-Bu Police barracks...
A fatal accident at Peki Avetile involving a Mercedes-Benz bus and a Renault Cargo...
The suspects The Police has arrested a gang of four suspected armed robbers for...
Four people have reportedly died followed renewed shootings in Bawku. According to a...
A 14-year-old girl has met her untimely death, and four others are on admission...
Emirates ban travels from eight African countries Emirates travel restriction extended to further...
A nine-year-old boy by the name Kwame Atta has burnt to death after a...
(Photo via Getty Images) Four people died in an accident between a sedan and...
Six people have been killed in an accident. (ER24 via Twitter) Six people have...
Motorists have been urged to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy before they embark on...