How Cheddar sold fake Versace and YSL shirts, to make his first million pounds at age 21

Real estate developer, Nana Kwame Bediako, has once again shared some stories from his humble beginning, as a means of encouraging young men and women.
According to him, he made his first million pounds at the age of 21 when he travelled to England for educational purposes.
Speaking in an interview with Samuel Leeds, Freedom Jacob Caesar, as he’s affectionately called, detailed how he started his small business back in college in his car boot.
He also recounted how he sold fake Versace and YSL clothes and made some good profit out of them.
“I made my first million pounds at the age of 21 and I will tell you exactly what happened. I was living in England and I was sent there to go to college and I was selling fake Versace and YSL shirts in the back of my 205 GTI which I bought for 499 pounds.
“My capital when I was going to London was US$6,000. My mum, my brothers and everybody gave me 130 pounds which they taught was big money for me but I was laughing in my head…It was in 1994, I remember very well and I bought a Panasonic chip phone and so I was like the new kid on the block.
“…Then I met Johnny Prescott, he was selling the jeans and the shirts. I just wanted to buy one pair of jeans and one pair of shit but when I saw the prices, 30 and 20 pounds, I offered him 20 pounds and 15 for the shirt and I put it at the back of my boot and I was selling it for 50 and 40. So, I started making money from the boot but I fell into the streets because I already understood what business was. At that point, business was me from where I was coming from,” Nana Kwame Bediako recounted.
Nana Kwame Bediako also recounted how he ventured into the purchase of scraps from salvages to resell them. This, he explained also earned him some commendable income, which ultimately contributed to him earning his first million pounds at the age of 21.
“The beginning of business can start from a bad corner, you just need to turn it around and establish it…the naked truth of Freedom Jacob Caesar is coming out in the book that is about to come out,” he said in a motivational message to the public.