Kumawood actor, Kofi Adu, well known as Agya Koo, has responded to his colleague...
Agya Koo
Popular Kumawood actor and staunch New Patriotic Party (NPP) supporter, Agya Koo has come under...
Ghanaian actor, Mr Beautiful, has revealed that his former colleague, Agya Koo, once harboured...
Legendary Ghanaian actor, Alex Kofi Adu, also known as Agya Koo, has replied persons...
Legendary Ghanaian actor and known supporter of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Alex Kofi...
Veteran Ghanaian hip-life artiste Joe Frazier has expressed his disappointment in Ghanaian actor kum...
Agya Koo, a renowned Ghanaian actor, has been actively campaigning for the New Patriotic...
Clement Bonney, famously known as Mr. Beautiful, has stated that Kalybos, Agya Koo, and the...
Ghanaian film producer and director, Ola Michael, known for producing some Kumawood movies has...
Kumasi’s famous comic actor and comedian, Kofi Adu (Agya Koo), has recently been in...