SHOCKING VIDEO: Goat enters police car and headbutts female police officer

In a bizarre incident, a police officer in Georgia, the United States of America picked up an unwanted passenger after a goat climbed into her patrol car and began chewing civil papers destroying what could have been crucial evidence in a case.
The Douglas county deputy had left her car door ajar while delivering civil papers but returned and found the uninvited guest on the front seat of her car eating the papers.
According to the footage shared on the Douglas county Sheriff’s Office’s official Facebook page, the lady in uniform, who took the clip, could be seen trying to lure the goat out of the vehicle as it continued eating documents left on the passenger seat.
The post said the officer was knocked down during the unfortunate incident but she luckily came out uninjured.

“The deputy went to a residence to serve some civil papers. The deputy explained that due to the number of houses she visits daily, she routinely leaves her vehicle’s door open because she has had to retreat on a number of occasions from vicious dogs,” the post noted.