Senior staff of universities begin strike today over conditions of service

Members of the Senior Staff Association, of Universities of Ghana (SSAUoG) will today, Monday, 19 October 2020 lay down their tools over the government’s failure to pay their market premium and second-tier pension arrears dating back between 2010 and 2016.
Numbering about 4,500 in all public universities, the senior staff’s efforts to get their monies including a 21-day ultimatum to the government through the Ministry of Education last month proved futile hence their decision to embark on the strike.
Speaking to journalists, National President of the Association Abdul Majid said: “We’ve tried on several occasions to draw the governments attention through appropriate agencies such as the Ministry of Education, National Council for Tertiary Education to unfavourable policies responsible for the deteriorating condition of service of senior staff.
“These include study leave with pay, appointments and promotions, medical care for staff and their dependents etc. All attempts by the national leadership to get the government to address the above-stated concerns have proved futile.
“Pursuant to the ultimatum which was copied to the National Labour Commission and the government insensitivity to our plight, we hereby declare a redrawal of our services with effect from Monday, 19 October 2020.
“All members of the senior staff association universities of Ghana are required to lay down their tools and hoist red flags across all campuses.”
Source: Class FM