Sarkodie to change hairstyle; Checkout possible new look

Artistes switching up their look is very very normal.
It’s almost like it comes with the celeb status. It’s a rite of passage and Sarkodie has deprived us of that joy for a very long time.
Why stay consistent with your look when you can switch it up?
So, when he tweeted that he wanted to change his hairstyle…

We knew it was time to bring out our styling tools!
Look Number 1
For the first look, we thought that hey, why not dye the hair? It’s the look every superstar goes for first. Medikal did it, Lilwin has done it… why not a real superstar?
We used the colours of the Ghanaian flag because he’s Ghana’s number one entertainment export. Why not announce it in every room with a bold statement on his head!

Look number 2
For the second look, we had his family in mind. You know, in Ghana, having a clean cut is what is deemed responsible and since he has two kids now and is a responsible father, why not project that with his hairstyle.
So, we shaved everything off.
Pros of this hairstyle? The fresh Ghana air he missed so much will always make love to his head every second and his wife, Tracy will have access to his mumu button easily. (Legend has it that, every man’s mumu button is on their head).

Look Number 3
This is our favourite look.
It screams bad boy, sexy and also looks responsible. Ghanaian aunties will disagree with us but this look is what’s in vogue right now and it’s something he can pull off easily.
The Sark legacy is going to be solid and we know this look is going to unlock baby number 3, 4 and 5 from Tracy.

Look Number 4!
There’s something about having dreadlocks that makes you feel connected to the universe. We figured since he’s championing pan Africanism, he’s got to have the look to go with it. Nothing screams “Power to the people” than a full head of locs.
The dyed strands are not for fashion only. They signify the different shades of melanin.
Yes, we put a lot of thought into this.

Look Number 5
Look number five spells greatness. We straightened his hair and combed it to the side because only extremely talented people go for this kind of look and well…we don’t have to tell you about Sarkodie.
Snoop Dogg’s done it before, Andre 3000, Usher, Prince…do you see the pattern here??
The hair is a statement. All he has to do is flip his hair in a room and everyone will feel the presence.

Look Number 6
This is the gyeene/onion look.
We choose this look because have you heard about the healing properties of onions??
Music is healing and we know Sarkodie is the biggest in the music game right now so yeah let’s call him a healer. What projects that better than a look that reminds you of onions??
It’s simple and easy to maintain by himself.

So… which one is your favourite look?