SAD VIDEO of a Ghanaian junkie in United States spotted begging for money pops up

Some people are striving to find a way to move overseas in search of a better life; others have the chance but don’t know how to take advantage of it.
They move abroad and, instead of focusing on how they will make money to support themselves and their family, they go to take drugs and other evil things while their families believe they are working hard to come and construct their houses.
A TikTok video circulating depicts a man asking for $10 because he hasn’t eaten in two days.
In the video, a man introduces himself as Joe, speaks Ghanaian Twi, and requests $10 from another man. The man hands him the money, and happily, a stranger passer-by hands him another amount.
He was asked by his Ghanaian hometown, and he mentions Bono Ahafo (BA), as well as questioning him about why he has been so dirty and appears to be a drug addict.
You can watch the entire video down below!