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Reshuffle: Akufo-Addo responds to critics



President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has responded to criticisms after he recently undertook a ministerial reshuffle exercise to fine-tune his government appointees.

According to him, he decided to make changes to his ministerial appointees to ensure that the nation would continue to thrive. He stated that the reshuffle was undertaken in the best interest of Ghanaians and not for himself.

Speaking in an interview with JoyNews’ Blessed Sogah in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Akufo-Addo made it clear that he prioritizes the welfare of Ghanaians in all government decisions.

When he was asked what he makes of the criticism after his recent reshuffle, he retorted, “It is for the people of Ghana, not for me.”

On February 14, 2024, Akufo-Addo reshuffled some of his ministerial appointees following reports of an imminent massive shake-up in the government.

Some of the ministers who lost their jobs include the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, and the Minister of Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako-Atta.

The other ministers who were sacked are the Minister of Health, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu; and the Minister of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation, Dr Kwaku Afriyie.

In all, the president relieved 13 ministers and 10 deputy ministers of their duties, some of which he reassigned.

On the back of the reshuffle, Akufo-Addo was slammed by many Ghanaians. Some opined that the reshuffle was done to please the public after numerous calls and not for the good course of the nation.

Akufo-Addo’s reshuffle too late – Minority

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Members of Parliament (MPs) criticized the reshuffle, stating that it does not effectively address the current economic hardships facing the nation.

In a press release from Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, they denounced the president’s handling of governance, expressing skepticism that the reshuffle would alleviate the economic difficulties linked to Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and his Economic Management Team.

“It is also too little too late, coming barely nine (9) months to the exit of the government. Neither will it solve the suffering and hardships confronting the people of Ghana as a result of the bad governance and massive uncontrolled corruption of the Akufo-Addo and Alhaji Bawumia’s government.

“These injury time reserves, who have been on the bench for more than seven years without warm-up, cannot make any meaningful impact in the remaining nine (9) months to salvage the sinking ship and the massive economic mess created by Alhaji Bawumia and his economic mismanagement team,” the statement said.

The Minority also said that President Akufo-Addo’s tenure has been marked by excessive spending and the depletion of state resources.

“The tenure of this government has been characterised by excessive borrowing, unsustainable debt, an economic crisis, high appetite for taxes, poor governance, reckless and wasteful expenditures, siphoning of state resources into private pockets of government appointees, as well as state capture by family and friends of the president and his vice,” the statement added.

Two veteran NPP gurus who openly expressed unhappiness about reshuffle timing

A former National Chairman of the governing NPP, Freddie Blay described the reshuffle of ministers as coming in too late.

According to him, if President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo had reshuffled his government two years ago when the calls peaked, it would have gone a long way to make significant changes for the country.

Speaking exclusively to, Blay said, “It was two years or a year ago that he needed to do the reshuffle. If you recall, some members of the majority caucus in parliament insisted under some circumstances that there ought to be some changes, but the president requested for one minister to conclude the IMF negotiations before he could do that.

“The circumstances might not be the same today, and people may have a change of opinion, but to me, it is getting a bit too late to effect any meaningful changes in terms of a reshuffle of the government.”

Blay, however, conceded that it is the prerogative of the president to reshuffle his ministers or not.

Kwadwo Mpiani joined the growing list of public figures expressing concern over the timing of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo‘s ministerial reshuffle, saying that without prejudice to the president’s powers to appoint whoever he will at whatever time, but with less than a year to an election, the February 14 shakeup appeared problematic.

“I don’t have a reaction to the ministerial reshuffle because it is the president’s prerogative. He works with the ministers and the deputy ministers and he should be able to determine who is working well or otherwise.

“But I think that eight months to an election will not have any effect on the direction of government. So, I think the timing is the problem; otherwise, it is his prerogative to do a reshuffle as he sees fit,” he said.

He is also concerned about how quickly some of the appointees, who are new in the roles, will take to acclimatize and positively impact the portfolios handed to them.

“Some of these appointees are completely new. How are they going to learn and know what goes on in the Ministries to enable them to direct the ministries as expected of them?” he questioned.

“So, what do you want to achieve? It is too close to the election, and I don’t believe they can effect any massive change,” he added.

Does Ofori-Atta have a new job?

Barely 12 hours after his dismissal as minister was announced, pro-government media house Asaase Radio reported that Ofori-Atta had been appointed a senior economic advisor to the president.

GhanaWeb, however, cannot confirm the report.



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