Relationship Tips: Please just leave her now, If she does Any of these 8 things

Are you a man who is debating whether or not that lady is the correct one for you based on the indications, or are you unaware of what to look for in a woman you want to date?
These pointers will undoubtedly open your eyes to reality, allowing you to better appreciate yourself, your place in this lady’s life, and why you should simply back off.
Ladies are difficult to comprehend, and by that, I mean women are extremely intricate. In that complication, they give each possible suitor some indicators that plainly show whether or not they are interested in you.
You no longer need to waste time chasing after a lady when the signs are clearly written on the wall. Keep an eye out for these indications, and if she exhibits them, leave her.
1, She Hesitates In Getting Back To You.
We’re all busy, so there’s a chance she won’t react right away if you reach out to her. However, there is a limit…if you have to wait 24 hours for a response from that lady, she isn’t interested.
When a lady is truly interested in you, she will check to see if she has missed a call or text from you and respond as soon as she is able. But, my man, if you have to wait an eternity for a response from her, run for your life.
2, If She Cancels Plans Repeatedly.
This lady is definitely uninterested if she always cancels plans at the last minute when you’ve all agreed to go on a date or hang out. It could have been a one-time incident when she was too busy or unprepared to go out.
That’s fine, but if she always says something has come up and she’s never available for a date, chances are she’s not interested. If she’s truly interested in you, she’ll be waiting for you to ask her out… But if the cancellation happens again, my guy… You must flee for your life.
3, She Calls You “Just A Friend” or ‘Bro’.
Lol! And you’re still hoping for a miracle from Zion’s hills, my friend?
If the lady you’re trying to date always introduces you to others as “a friend,” or “bro’ then you’re should know she places no value on what you think is going on between you.
Therefore, you need to back off because you don’t want to be seen as a bro or just a friend to someone you deeply love or have an emotional attachment to.
4, If She Tells You “I Am Not Ready”
Just accept it if this lady always tells you she isn’t ready for a relationship.
When a woman says, “I’m not ready,” most men assume she’s attempting to be difficult to get. My buddy, she really means it, which is why you should go find someone who is. Do not squander your time.
5, You Are Always The One To Initiate Contact.
If you’re continuously sending “hello, how are you doing, I just wanted to check in on you,” you’re wasting your time. If a lady is interested in you, she will always wait for you to call or text first.
Yes, some girls will avoid contacting you because they don’t want to appear needy. Some people will intentionally not call just to see if you’re serious. But there’s a catch…if this pattern continues, she’s probably not that interested in you. Stop wasting time and run now.
6, If You Escalate, She Goes Vague.
When you tell her she is attractive, for example, she dismisses you. When you tell her you want to take your relationship to the next level, she appears uninterested.
She, on the other hand, has no strong sentiments for you. You’ll see what I mean if you see how she reacts when you compliment her. It’s evident that your comments aren’t what she wants to hear. Stop wasting time and take off running for your life.
7, She Blue Ticks You
Hmm! This is a serious issue. If she just blue ticks and doesn’t bother to answer, it’s evident you’re not a significant figure in her life.
To be honest, she isn’t going to change, which is a clear indication that she isn’t interested in you. Actually, she’s responding as quickly as she can to other discussions, and you can’t afford to be the second-best in someone’s life.
8, Wrong Body Language.
The majority of what women want to express is communicated through their body language. You should be aware of the nonverbal clues since they are quite loud and profound.
When you’re chatting to her, does she yawn? Is she constantly on the phone when you’re speaking with her? Is she wary of accompanying you on public walks? When she’s around you, does she stay a safe distance?
Run as fast as your legs will take you, my friend. She is uninterested, and she regards you as less significant than you regard yourself. Now is the moment to stop wasting your time.
These tips were shared by Ghanaian broadcaster and YouTuber Jessica Opare-Saforo on her channel.
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