Rawlings, Nana Konadu survive motor accident, 4 bodyguards killed

On October 30, 2000, barely 2 months to the December 7 election which was going to see the end of President Jerry John Rawlings’ 19 years of presidency, his convoy was involved in a motor accident on the Tema motorway killing 4 of his bodyguards.
The driver who hit the convoy as a result of using an unapproved route escaped from the accident scene.
The President and the First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings suffered light bruises. Unfortunately, 4 of his presidential bodyguards died on the spot. Three other persons in the convoy also sustained injuries and were rushed to 37 Military Hospital.
Read the full story originally published on October 30, 2000, on Ghanaweb
Leader escapes convoy crash
ACCRA (Reuters) – Ghanaian President Jerry Rawlings escaped with bruises after an accident Sunday in which four bodyguards traveling in his convoy were killed, officials said.
They said the accident happened near the capital Accra when a car drove onto a motorway, causing some cars in the presidential convoy to crash. Three cars were destroyed.
Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu suffered light bruises and were treated at a military hospital before being discharged.
A hospital source told Reuters that three more bodyguards had been injured and would be operated on.
Rawlings, who has ruled the West African country for nearly 19 years, is due to step down after a presidential election scheduled for December 7. He has served the maximum two terms allowed under a constitution since Ghana returned to multi-party politics eight years ago.
From BBC
According to a BBC African Service news report, the accident occurred 18 kilometres away from Accra when a vehicle crossed the presidential motorcade on the motorway. Four of his bodyguards are reported to have been killed and three others may have to undergo operation. The President himself and his wife were treated at the Military Hospital for light bruises.
4 Presidential guards die in motor accident
By Graphic Reporter
Four bodyguards of the President, Flt. Lt J. J. Rawlings, died on the spot yesterday, when a driver, using an unapproved route, drove into the Tema motorway, causing a fatal accident.
The four deceased persons were in the President’s convoy which was on the way from Kpong to Accra.
They have been identified as Corporal Boateng, Corporal Aboagye, Corporal Kumashie and Lance Corporal Ewun-Tomah.
The driver who caused the accident bolted.
Three others, who sustained various degrees of injury, were rushed to the 37 Military Hospital whilst the bodies had been deposited at the mortuary of the same hospital.
President Rawlings and the First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, were treated and discharged. Three vehicles in the convoy were destroyed beyond repair.
At the time of going to press, two of the injured bodyguards had been sent to the theatre while the third was at the emergency ward, being prepared for the theatre.
Meanwhile, the police has intensified search for the said driver.
Rawlings’ Convoy involved in Fatal Accident
-Joy Online
President Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings are reported to be doing well, after yesterday’s accident, which led to the death of four of the president’s bodyguards.
A source close to the first family told JOY FM that the first couple who were treated and discharged at the 37 military hospital yesterday are recuperating from the trauma. Following Saturday night’s downpour, which flooded the Adjei-Kojo Underpass leading to Ashaiman, a suburb of Accra, and rendered it impassable, motorists travelling from Accra to Ashaiman were on Sunday compelled to divert onto the motorway through unapproved routes. In an attempt to join the Motorway from one of the unapproved routes, an unidentified Nissan Urvan Mini-Bus clipped the rear of the President’s Jaguar. This resulted in a multiple crash of cars in the presidential convoy.
President Rawlings who was driving in a jaguar with the first lady had his car dented on the side. Two other vehicles in the convoy in which the guards were travelling were damaged beyond repairs. Four of the President’s guards identified as Corporal Boateng, Corporal Aboagye, Corporal Kumashie and Lance Corporal Ewun-Tomah died on the spot.
Three others who were seriously injured are undergoing surgery.The Toyota bus, which caused the accident, escaped. President Rawlings, who personally supervised the evacuation of the injured to the hospital, expressed disgust at the continued use of unapproved routes to connect to the motorway. He thanked the residents of the area who helped in the rescue operation.
Ghana President’s bodyguards killed
ACCRA, Ghana (AP) – Four bodyguards of Ghana President Jerry Rawlings were killed when a car in his motorcade overturned near the West African nation’s capital, news reports said Monday.
An escort car ahead of Rawlings’ Jaguar somersaulted into a ditch after its driver swerved to avoid a minibus that crossed its path during a heavy downpour, the Ghana News Agency said. Police were searching for the driver of the minibus, who left the scene without stopping.
Two other guards and an employee in the president’s office were seriously injured and were scheduled to undergo surgery Monday, the report said. It did not name the victims.
Rawlings and his wife, Nana Konadu, were unhurt. Their car suffered light damage when it braked and was hit from behind by another escort vehicle.
Source: www.ghanaweb.com