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Presidential Staffer Carol Suspended Over Foot Soldier Comment



Presidential staffer Louise Carol Serwaa Donkor has been suspended by the Presidency following her controversial comments about foot soldiers.

She has also been directed by the Chief of Staff Akosua Frema Opare to apologise for the comment.

In a response to a post about not dealing with foot soldiers, Serwaa Donkor wrote “You shouldn’t”, and encouraged her friend who posted it that: “You can’t reason with them”.

“It’s like tribalist”, she added.

Even though she has apologized over the comment, a statement from the Presidency Tuesday said “These comment sought  to disparage a section of the Ghanaian society, a conduct which is unacceptable to this office. Consequently, you are directed to suspend Dr. Donkor from office for a period of 30 days beginning the 13th day of June 2018.

“Further,  she is required to render in writing an unconditional apology and commit to good behavior”.

Earlier, an influential figure in the NPP Gabby Otchere-Darko had written of her comment: “I hold no brief for a young woman who owes her appointment to an election victory won largely by those who in various ways did the legwork and/or heavy lifting to make it happen and yet decided to diss them.

“She showed gross political immaturity (in fact, stupidity) by denigrating party foot soldiers the way she did – totally unprovoked by them. She has apologised. I suspect this week has been one of her worst, if not the worst, in her entire young life. I hope so! Hey guys! Move on! Surely, you can’t care much about a lady who chose to merely gargle from the fountain of political wisdom to hate her that much. She cannot be worth your precious emotions until she learns how to drink from that fountain. Move on! Show you have better things to focus on. If you do go to Church today and perchance ask for forgiveness, I hope you expect the Almighty to be merciful. How much more you! Show strength, people!”.


Source: Ghana/

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