PDS to shed load for 10-hours each day till March 19

Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo) has written to the Power Distribution Service (PDS) to request for load shedding from 8.00hrs to 18.00hrs each day on affected PDS MV/LV lines.
The request for load shedding on PDS MV/LV lines was necessary due to the diversion of 330KV Aboadze-Volta transmission line at Pokuase to facilitate the interchange construction works being undertaken by the department of Urban Roads at Pokuase.
In a letter cited by GhanaWeb on March 14, 2019, GRIDCo noted that the work was originally planned to be completed by March 14, 2019, but some challenges encountered by the contractor during the execution of the work has made them envisage that the work will be completed by March 19, 2019.
“We, therefore, wish to request you to extend the outage on affected PDS MV/LV lines in the corridor to March 19, 2018. The outage should be from 8.00hrs to 18.00 each day over the period,” the statement reads on.
Some parts of the capital were hit by total blackout popularly known as ‘dumsor’ for 3 consecutive days after the takeover PDS.
According to them, this was due to some technical challenges upstream at their Mallam and Graphic Road Bulk Supply Point (BSP) and it has affected power outages within the Western and the Central parts of Accra and they assured that power will be restored immediately the technical challenges are resolved.
Read full statement below
Source: www.ghanaweb.com