Over 1000 trees Planted in Support of Green Ghana Project under Barhama-Shaban Goes Green Initiative

In commemmration of 2022 World Environment Day and in support of Green Ghana project slated for 10th June,2022, The Shabaniyya Fraternity: Faidhatu Tijaniyya Ibrahimiyya Council of Ghana, Togo & Benin in collaboration with Ga North Municipality,and Forestry Commission of Ghana planted One Thousand (1,000)trees along five (5) kilometers of Ablekuma-Amormorley-Pokuase highway as part of the Barhama Shaban Goes Green Initiative.
Barhama-Shaban Goes Green started in 2015, is an initiative of the late Spiritual Cleric; Sheikh Mohammed Salis Shaban, a Trans-West African Muslim leader and Spiritual Representative of The Renowned leader Sheikh Ibrahim Niass (Barhama) with multitude of followers globally.

The project seeks to mobilize, galvanize and influence Muslim Action globally towards combating climate change through various activities such as Green Khutba, Sermon, tree planting, sports gala, upcycling and circular entrepreneurship trainings.
According to the Chairman of the Council,Alhaji Mohammed Abibu Alhassan Shaban “The objective of the project is simply to mobilize sustainable Muslim action to support the Green Ghana Project and Global Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action).
The occasion is also to educate the general public about environmental protection and effects of climate Change with bases from the Islamic text”

Sheikh Khalifa Ibrahim Job Ahmed Shaban offered Islamic prayers and planted the first tree for the exercise to begin from the Pokouse interchange towards the Amormorley-Shabaniyya Junction. Sheikh Khalifa Mohammed Hafiz, Spiritual leader of Salaga Muslim Community also indicated that tree planting is a significant duty of a Muslim that will attract him reward even after his death because the Holy Prophet admonished us “Even if the Resurrection were established upon one of you while he has in his hand a sapling, let him plant it.”
As part of the Collaboration, The Ga North Municipality and Forestry Commission of Ghana provided the seedlings and technical support whiles the Shabaniyya Religious Movement and Tijaniyya Council mobilized about two hundred (200) of its members and Muslim leadership and Chiefs to plants the trees.”we will set up a task force to continue the monitoring, watering and nurturing of the seeds planted till we achieve the green effect we desire along this major Highway “Alhaji Abdulsalam Mohammed Daaru,the Executive Secretary of the Council indicated

Other Key Dignitaries that were present to support the occasion included Madam Janet Boateng, Chief Ranger, Amasaman Forest District, Abena Abrefi Adu, Forest range manager, Amasaman forest district ,Sheikh Ibrahim Abulkaram Shaban, Sheikh Ibrahim Abulkhairat Shaban, Chief Suleimana, Oduma Zongo Chief, Chief Sharif Gadafi, Zongo Chief Ablekuma Agape Gonse.