Our schools will be turned into poultry farms in 2 years due to double intake – PRO CHOPSS
With a section of Ghanaians deeming it a failure even before it could take off, the Vice- President being touted as arrogant for likening the shift system to a church service, to the PRO for the Ghana Education Service having zilch inkling as to where the revenue from the placement checker fees goes or what it’s used for, the double track system initiated by the government in the Senior High Schools has generated a lot of controversy.
Latest to lend their voices to the condemnation of this policy is the Public Relations Officer of CHOPSS Naphtali Kyei Baffour, who has described the policy as “unnecessary if government had absorbed the private senior high schools into the policy”.
“Granted that even on the average 500 students are posted into these senior high schools they are going to absorb 125,000. Some of them can absorb more, which means your headache of 181,000 leading to double track would not be necessary,” he said to ATV’s Kukua Nyimpaye Michaels.
While still speaking on the station’s Morning Show, Anopa Bosuo, he said, although CHOPSS is not against the Free Senior High School policy, it is strongly against the double track system because it seeks to render the private senior high schools redundant.
“In the next two years, some private senior high schools will not be in existence due to the introduction of the double track system. We will have no option than to turn some of our facilities into poultry farms because there will not be any students for us to admit into our schools”.
He refuted claims that private senior high schools are expensive thus parents prefer sending their wards to the public institutions which are free. He explained, that most Ghanaians mistake the fees paid at the senior high schools which run on foreign curricular for that which is paid in the senior high schools which run on Ghanaian curricular yet are private owned hence the assumption that all private senior high schools are expensive. He revealed that their proposal to government to be paid the same quota that the public senior high schools receive for the Free SHS policy was not considered which makes them believe it is government’s aim is to collapse their businesses.
“This government has shown the desire to help boost the private sector but that is not what we are seeing now. For instance, policies such as the one district one factory, one village one dam, planting for food and jobs are all private partnered so why is the government neglecting the private senior high schools? He queried.
The first batch of the double intake starts this September 11 but ATV’s visit to the Independence Square where a School Placement Resolution Centre had been set up was met with thousands of frustrated parents whose wards have either been posted to Day Schools outside their Regions of residence or are yet to be placed into their schools of choice.
Source: Kukua Snead-Michaels