
Nursing student dump boyfriend for failing to increase GHS10K monthly allowance

A nursing student has broken up with her hardworking boyfriend for failing to increase her GHC1,000 monthly allowance.

The lady had reached out to the gentleman asking her to increase her monthly allowance which was GHC1K.

According to her, the money was too small for her as a nursing student. Although she admitted to getting support from her family, she insisted that the man added at least GHC200 to it.

In her own words, she wrote “1500 is too small for me, how do you expect me to manage?”

No sooner had the man come back to say he wouldn’t change the amount than the girl threatened to break up with her.

Within minutes, she blocked the gentleman for failing to adhere to her demands.

Read The Full Conversation Below:

Many people have advised the man to move on. They believe the lady did not deserve the amount he was shelling out to her in the first place.

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