No transgender athletes at 2028 Olympic Games as Donald Trump issues executive order

President of the United States of America, Donald Trump has signed an executive order banning transgender women from competing in female sports.
According to him, this executive action will be enforced during the 2028 Olympic Games, scheduled to take place in the US, thereby denying transgender athletes participation.
Trump indicated that his action aims to prevent transgender athletes from overpowering females in various competitions, as happened in previous Olympic Games.
“In Los Angeles in 2028, my administration will not stand by and watch men beat and batter female athletes. We’re not going to let it happen; it’s going to end, and it’s ending right now. Nobody will be able to do anything about it because when I speak, we speak with authority,” he told the US media.
Trump emphasized that his administration will engage the Olympic Committee and participating countries to ensure that transgender athletes are denied visas to the games.
He believes this move will maintain the sanctity of sports and safeguard the health of female athletes competing in the games.
“I’m directing our Secretary of Homeland Security, Kristi Noem, to deny visa applications made by men attempting to fraudulently enter the US while identifying themselves as women athletes,” he added.
It’s worth noting that Trump promised to prevent males from participating in female sporting events if re-elected.
He expressed concerns that including transgender athletes in women’s sports damages competition integrity and needs addressing.
These comments came after Angela Carini withdrew from her bout against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, allegedly transgender, at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
Khelif’s participation sparked controversy, with many criticizing the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for allowing such person to compete.
Watch Trump’s remarks in the post below: