My mum sends her half-naked photos to my fiancé – 21-Year-Old lady reveals

A 21-year-old lady (name withheld) is suspecting her biological mother has some lustful interest in her fiancé as she has been caught on several occasions sending half-naked images to the man.

The lady who has not confronted the man about the unhealthy relationship festering on between him and his would be mother who is a single mother, disclosed on a relationship platform her fears and what could be the motivation for her mum’s action.

She wrote “Good morning Joro. I’m one of your big fans. Please blur my pix well if you post. Course mate follow you. Is it okay for my mom to be sending my bf pix of herself on whatsapp. She is new to whatsapp doe. She do send pictures of herself in bra to him. Say selfie. She send some to me too. But he saves all on his phone. My Mom has bust but I don’t have. She will send pix of herself in wrapper. I don’t want to tell her. But he said it’s okay. Am 21 years and I feel funny. My bf has more pix of her than me. My mom is single. Is it also right for my bf to gift my mom wine? Sent a mail to Joro. Confused

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