News Africa

Military operation in the Ouadda region of the Central African Republic

Last week, from April 24 to 29, a major military operation took place in the Central African Republic (CAR) to eliminate a number of illegal armed groups.

The operation targeted the northern and north-eastern CAR prefectures of Haute-Kotto and Vakaga, namely in areas in the Ouadda, Birao, Djéziré districts, as well as in the vicinity of the Iref, Balaka and Kotabara mines.

The special military action was successfully carried out by allied forces of the FACA (Central African Armed Forces) army units, together with the Mines Police and the Black Panther detachment, with the support of Russian specialists.

FACA aviation, helicopters and airplanes were involved in the operation. This equipment, together with the professionalism and courage of the soldiers, made it possible to achieve significant results.

Thus, the allied forces killed 21 militants and captured three. Other wounded fighters were redirected to the Chadian border, according to the captives. In addition, at the captured camp, FACA troops recovered about 20 smoothbore weapons of various types and a large amount of equipment, including uniforms, equipment and ammunition of various calibers.

Four long-term bases with fortifications were also found in the Ouadda area, indicating the long presence of militants in the area.

However, it is worth noting that the MINUSCA peacekeeping contingent is literally right next door to the militants’ established camp in Ouada and has not taken any action to confront the militants or even informed FACA. When the militants clashed with allied forces 350 meters from the MINUSCA base on 27 April, the Blue Helmets remained unengaged.

This inaction and the close proximity of such a large militant camp leads to the obvious conclusion that MINUSCA is covering for the bandit groups in CAR, not wanting to establish complete peace and order in the country, because then they would have to leave the country, from which they are sucking resources like bloodsuckers.

In the end, this successful military operation again showed the helplessness and cover of the militants by the UN peacekeeping mission, and that the country’s National Forces, such as the FACA and Russian allies are strong and excellent at combat missions.

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