Masawudu Mubarak; The Sacrificial Lamb For Muntaka Mubarak?

The so-called democratic political party has bared its undemocratic teeth to one of its own.
Walking majestically to the Asawase Constituency office of the NDC, Masawudu Mubarak, clothed in innocence, asked to be sold the nomination forms of the party to enable him to contest in the parliamentary primaries of the party in Asawase.
He was greeted with shock as they told him the forms wouldn’t be sold to him.
Unperturbed by this hurdle, Masawudu headed to the regional party office where someone surreptitiously sold him the forms.
After finishing with the filling of the forms, Masawudu Mubarak sought to submit the filled forms at both constituency and regional offices of the party but he would not be successful as both offices refused blatantly to embrace his forms with no apparent reasons given to him.
With very few options left and with equanimity, Masawudu had to travel all the way to Accra to submit the forms.
Shockwaves were to be his ally as his forms were rejected by the national headquarters of the NDC. His sin is that he was seen campaigning before the green light was given for campaigning. He stands suspended, they say.
What is the norm, in these cases, is the fact that dismissals and disqualifications are determined during vetting. He has not been vetted but has been booted out.
This predicament being faced by Masawudu Mubarak is as a result of a deliberate and determined decision to let Muntaka Mubarak go unopposed.
Democracy is a friend to the NDC. In fact, this is democracy working without any impediments! An opposition party putting blockades in the ways of prospective candidates? Strange it may sound, but that’s what democracy is all about in the NDC!
Ashanti NDC is in flames
The chaotic weather which has breezed into the region as a result of a deliberate attempt to prevent others from contesting against Muntaka Mubarak cannot be underestimated.
The lexicon ‘democratic’ in the middle of their name exists in a vacuum. They practise no democracy in the party they have labelled as democratic.
If Muntaka is the most popular candidate as they would want us to believe, why shield him from the young man desirous to battle it out with him?
The Asawase Constituency office of the NDC was closed simply because Muntaka’s contender wanted to submit his nomination forms.
The regional secretariat of the party imprisoned itself by locking all the doors of entrance into the office because a certain young man who is vying against Muntaka was submitting his papers.
When the goat and sheep are enjoying some bouts of fisticuffs, the horse has very little to care about.
Communist: Antwi Boasiako John