Man beaten to death for attempting to steal ‘VIP bus’ at Kumasi

The incident is said to have occurred on the dawn of Wednesday, March 8, 2023.
The deceased according to reports entered the terminal of V.I.P Transport Company at about 4am, started the bus in question and attempted driving off with the Grand Bird bus with registration number GE 2304-10.
The driver’s assistant of the said bus upon taking notice pursued the suspect in a tricycle with the help of some members of the public.
The deceased at a point decided to ditch the moving bus but was apprehended by the mob who subjected him to severe beatings.
The abandoned bus which still in motion is reported to have damaged a car around the area before coming to a halt.
The body of the deceased who died as a result of the mob action has since been conveyed to a morgue for preservation and investigation by the police at Asokwa.