Man angrily tears Holy Bible, uses it as toilet roll

A man, identified as Udummiri Nwakalu from Onitsha, Anambra State, has scattered the holy bible into pieces and used the pieces as toilet roll.
The man confessed that the reason he destroyed the holy bible was because he cannot worship a God who cannot protect his own people and could allow Fulani herdsmen to kill them.
In his words Britain I am no longer afraid of the book you used to enslave my people, I tore it in the public today, I have proven to many that it’s just a book and words of men.
On this day I liberated thousands of people from fear and chains. I am a proud fighter, we must continue to fight modern day colonialism. You Christians have been burning several traditional shrines, you post them on Facebook everybody cheer you and praise your nonsense Jesus.

Today I decided to show what it feels like. I have been using the Bible for toilet for about three months now just that I decided to make it public today and you talking nonsense in my posts. God punish all of you there I don’t care. I must follow my ancestry ways I don’t I care about any nonsensical nonsense human being here. I destroyed the Bible, it’s from the devil. Many are mad but few are roaming.

Recall that few weeks ago, Controversial Nigerian actress, Etinosa Idemudia while on a live Instagram video used the Bible as an ashtray as she smoked to the view of her followers. The Warri born later apologised for behaving the way she did, claiming she was not in her right senses.