Lil Win features KalyBos on ‘Kpoo Keke’ single

As promised, Lil Win releases another collaboration with colleague comedian Kalybos.

Dubbed “Kpoo Keke”, the two entertainers team up on this one as a campaign song for the just ended Lil Wil Kpoo Keke Street Carnival which happened in Kumasi over the weekend

By popular demand, Lil Win makes,the song available to the public

Kpoo Keke is gradually becoming one of the most cherished ginger drink in the country at the moment.

With Stonebwoy’s “Kpoo Keke” song giving the drink a lot of publicity, Kwadwo Nkansah Lil Win doubles the fun for Kpoo Keke lovers

Enjoy the song below


Source: GH Joy

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