Let’s Not Forget We Have Judge -Made Laws

In 2019, The Supreme Court(UK) unprecedentedly and a surprise to many legal and political commentators, declared Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament at the peak the Brexit crisis as unconstitutional or ultra votes; and ordered the Prime Minister to recall Parliament immediately. This was because the Supreme Court among other things considered Boris Johnson’s action as an abuse of power.
Therefore, Supreme Courts can set aside age-old laws, norms and conventions, especially when it is clear there is an abuse or attempt to abuse these established norms, customs and practices for individual selfish interest or parochial interest.
It is for this and other reasons that we have judge-made laws. Let’s pray and hope for the best outcome; as everything is possible and nothing is impossible when a case is at the Supreme Court.
Alhaji Alhassan Mbalba
Source: Thepressradio.com|Ghana|Dickson Boadi