Labourer, 22, chops off his boss’s head

Residents of Sefwi Amoakrom in the Bia West District of the Western North Region were thrown into a state of shock Thursday afternoon after a 22-year-old man, Francis Awuni, beheaded his 45-years-old boss Mr Azumah in his rice farm.
The suspect after the dastardly act is said to have reported himself to the police and confessed to killing his boss who’s a father of six. He was later arrested.
The Assemblyman for Amoashed Electoral Area, Hon. Edward Takyi who in an interview with Kasapa News confirmed the horrific incident said the suspect claimed his late boss had cut him with the machete as he tried to kill him for money rituals but he (suspect) managed to overpower him and chopped off his head.
The Assemblyman said the deceased (Azumah) went to the Northern part of Ghana to hire Francis Awuni as labourer to work on his farm and has been doing so for the past three months.
He noted that the suspect is a very quiet guy who’s not known to be on drugs, hence many residents are shocked he could commit such a crime.
Francis Awuni is in Police custody assisting investigations while the body has been deposited at the Bia West Government hospital for an autopsy report.