KNUST JHS Candidate receives Marriage Proposal after writing BECE

A teen boy was waiting just for his Junior High School (JHS) girlfriend to finish with her Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) so he can propose marriage to her.
According to the video making rounds on social media, the girl is a final year student of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology JHS in Kumasi who just finished with her final exams.
She was full of emotions when her teen boyfriend went on his knees and presented something that looked like a ring to announce his intention to her.
The girl, who could not hide her joy, is seen with an outstretched arm in the palm of her boyfriend who was mincing some not-so-audible words to her.
The BECE came to an end on Friday, September 18, 2020, after over 500,000 JHS students sat for the exams across the country. The examination which was scheduled for June had to be postponed due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus.
These students, upon completion, were seen running helter-skelter across streets to register their joy of completing their basic education and one of them seized the opportunity to propose to her girlfriend because a stitch in time always saves nine.
Watch Video Below: