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Kasoa in the news again as Trotro driver crashes police dispatch rider




The driver is reported to have crushed the Police Officer while swerving a pothole

Reports reaching from Kasoa in the Central Region indicate that a passenger vehicle popularly known as trotro has crashed a Police dispatch rider.

The incident, according to an eyewitness who spoke on Nhyira FM in Kumasi, happened on Wednesday morning at about 7:30 am.

The report also suggests that the accident happened as a result of a bad road filled with potholes constructed barely three years ago.

The driver whose name is yet to be known crushed into the Police Officer while swerving a pothole on the road.

Colleague Policemen in the area confirmed to that the victim who suffered severe injuries has since been rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment.

The driver has also been sent to the Amanfrom Police Station in the Central Region for further investigations.

Source: My News GH

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