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Irate NPP youth lock up Ahafo Ano constituency office



There is tension within the ruling New Patriotic Party at Ahafo Ano South-West of the Ashanti Region after some party youth locked up the Constituency office Tuesday.

Their action was in protest of a decision by the Assembly to move the location of a district hospital project from the capital, Mankranso.

Government, as part of measures to improve Ghana’s health infrastructure, announced the construction of some hospitals in 88 districts across the country.

The Ahafo South-West District was not only part of the list of districts earmarked for the project but named Mankranso as the location of the facility.

It is gathered that a sod-cutting ceremony had already been held at Kunsu, where the construction will take place.

Infuriated at the development, the angry youth, numbering about 40, marched and forcibly evicted occupants at the party office and locked it up subsequently.

In a footage obtained by, the party office had been locked with wooden materials as the protesters, who are natives of Mankranso, chanted war songs.

Leader of the group, Kojo Collins, wants the President to dismiss the District Chief Executive, Adusei Patrick, accusing him of bad leadership and blatant disregard for party members.

“President Akufo-Addo named Mankranso as the location of the hospital. We were, however, shocked after the DCE went to cut the sod for the project to commence at Kunsu. He did same for the court building and the market, we will resist this time,” he said.

He continued: “We are giving a 24-hour ultimatum to the powers that be to relieve the DCE of his post or risk losing more votes in the constituency in the coming elections.”

When contacted, the party’s Constituency Secretary, Antwi Sarpong Evans, condemned the action by the youth but indicated that the matter was yet to be reported to the police.

“When I heard it I decided to meet the DCE for further discussion but he was not around. I know government is building these hospitals but I don’t know the exact place. In the meantime, we are yet to meet as executives to bring closure to the matter.”

The party office was still locked at the time of filing this report.

Source: Daily Mail

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