I didn’t become popular because of my huge mɛlons – Pamela Odame

Ghanaian model and actress Pamela Odame Watara who was born to a Ghanaian mother and Kenyan father has disagreed she became famous because of the size of her God gifted gargantuan mɛlɔns.
She was interviewed by Ghbase and the host threw her mind back saying a lot of people saw her in a music video and they started pointing fingers at her because of her enormous mɛlɔns.
Pamela did not concur with that assertion. According to her, she was born to be famous and that’s what she’s doing right now.
She added that, she could still be a star even if she never had those enormous b₵₵bs because a lot of people became stars without hugr bo₵bs and aʒʒ.
“Ok I don’t believe so and I don’t wanna believe that because of it happens like that it means I will become who I was supposed. If I was born to be famous I will be” she said
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