How to write Thesis? some tips revealed

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The first advice given during this workshop is to write every day. It is by forging that one
becomes a blacksmith, and it is while writing that one becomes a good writer, or at least a
professional writer, what is the doctoral student, and the researcher in a general way.
Writing is a job, and if it is useful to train, it is especially recommended to write, again
and again, every day for only half an hour. For this, set a time slot, every day to devote to
writing (in all its forms), perhaps a solution, especially for those who have trouble getting
started! If you want to write best thesis, then <a
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thesis paper.
Writing as a process
To fully understand what writing is, and not to burn the steps, it is useful to consider
writing as a process of three or four phases minimum. To begin with, we can break down
the writing process into two stages: creative and synthetic writing / analytical and critical
writing. The first, without worrying about the details, goes to the essential. The second,
on the contrary, goes into detail, and focuses on structuring the text and detailing the
argumentation, the content, etc.
The essential interest of becoming aware of writing as a process is to avoid wanting to do
everything at the same time: wanting to synthesize and detail in a critical or analytical
way at the same time is like wanting to do two contradictory operations in same time.
First, it is appropriate to write to bring out the ideas, then we rectify what we wrote, we
specify what we wanted to say, in a second time. We see the image of a writing in
successive layers that asks not to be too perfectionist, at least not all the time. Not at first,
but rather at the end.
1st stage: This is the synthetic writing: write to push out ideas, without worrying about
the details. One of the writing techniques for this phase: free writing.
2nd stage: In the second phase, we are interested in the content, structure and arguments.
General Council: be as clear as possible, to facilitate reading. For example, avoid
metaphors, not only to be evocative but clear. It is up to the author to make the effort to
be clear, and not to the reader to guess what I meant!
3rd Phase: The third phase of writing aims to revise the language and style. The goal, in
all cases, is to lighten the text, to vary and to specify what one has written.
4th stage: Finally, in a final phase, often painful, but essential, come the worries of the
layout, the revision of references and bibliography, as well as punctuation (consistent
throughout the other of course!).
The technique of free writing (1 st phase)
To unlock some anxieties about writing, to start the writing process and regain some
fluidity, there are different writing techniques, including free writing. To do at the
beginning of a work period, or to make a first draft of text. Why ? Because it's easier to
start writing from a text, even rough, than from scratch. This technique also makes it
possible to be clear on what one wants to say, because it makes it possible to be synthetic.
This type of writing provides raw material to be shaped later. For having tested it several
times since the workshop, I must admit that this technique works, at least for me, and that
in addition to unblock the writing process, when it is difficult to get there. to put, can also
synthesize very quickly and efficiently what we mean. I used this technique to synthesize
what I wanted to say in an article, and what I wanted to say in an upcoming paper, and in
15 minutes each time I was clear on where I wanted to go … Amazing !
For those who would like to try, here is the free writing method :
– Take a starting point (theme, concept, phrase)
– Put a time limit (10, 15 or 20 minutes)
– Write everything that comes to mind, preferably by hand
– Do not stop, for no reason.
– No correction
– Do not worry about grammar, spelling, reference, or even structure: avoid any
censorship of thought.
An argumentative text ( 2nd phase)
An academic text is an argumentative text. It should not be forgotten that we must
convince the reader, not just inform him. The thesis is not a textbook! It is not enough to
say why my subject interests me (it may only interest me), but why the reader should read
it: what is the value of my thesis, why should a specialist in the field read to me, and why
should I read without working on the same subject? Highlighting at the beginning of the
thesis, the innovative nature of my thesis and clarify it throughout the thesis will thus
justify to the reader, and probably for ourselves, as much effort for three or five years or
more, for those who like it!
Difference between a thesis, an article and a communication
The thesis is more elaborate than an article: one quotes in the detail, one unrolls the
arguments, one details the context, one documents. There is a pedagogical dimension in
the writing of a thesis.
In an article, we delete everything that is already known, we limit ourselves to a central
argument, which we prove with the help of very condensed arguments. The effort is
logical rather than educational.
A communication is an article in test phase!
Adapt the style to the length of the text
The longer the text, the more you have to be clear about the structure, because the reader
will not read all of a sudden. You can read an article of 20 or 30 pages at a time (and
again, depends on which, it's already too long), but you can not read a book of 200 pages
or even a 400-page thesis in one one time. Hence the need for <a
transitions/">transition paragraphs</a> between each chapter, to move from one section
to another, and even from one paragraph to another. In an article, these transition
paragraphs are useless because they are too repetitive. One does not need to be so
pedagogical, a transition sentence will suffice. I think that the same advice is for an oral
communication, except to want to lose half of the audience, or to put everyone to sleep:
be clear and show the structure of its text,
Predict how long it will take to write the thesis
To avoid having to write almost all of his thesis of 300 or 400 pages in the last two or
three months, it may be interesting to predict the time that will take the writing of the
thesis. For that, it would be necessary to calculate, over a week for example, the number
of written pages, and in how many hours. This very simple calculation makes it possible
to get a realistic idea of its actual (and not ideal) writing speed, in order to plan in
advance the writing of an article, a thesis chapter, or a communication. It is important to
anticipate the writing of the thesis, it will be even more enjoyable! In order to better plan
the writing time, plan steps, calculate the time needed for a chapter for example, and
calculate, from the number of pages that this chapter must do, how long it will take. By
doing this for all the chapters of the thesis, one can have a more or less precise idea of the
time that one still needs to complete the writing of the thesis, knowing that a planning can
move throughout the thesis. This may avoid (too) big surprises!
Look for feedback
The other important advice is to always look for a return on your work. We are used to
seeing the work of the doctoral student, especially in his <a
process-e4c9defecba4">writing phases</a>, as a solitary work, but it is by comparing his
writing to the reading of others that the text will become better … is not a solitary job!
There are different types of feedback that are needed at different stages of writing. In the
early phases of writing, one can look for positive feedback, which will highlight what is
going well in my text. Then, we will seek a critical feedback, but always constructive,
that is to say, if possible, which gives some improvement.
If you want to write best thesis, CLICK on the this link Edupeet ,they are the best to help you and gives you best.