How Rihanna was enshrined as a marble statue at the 2022 Met Gala

Rihanna idolized at the 2022 Met Gala
Absent Rihanna shines at the 2022 Met Gala
Rihanna eulogized by Vogue magazine
Even without making an appearance at the 2022 Met Gala, Rihanna’s presence was felt as her image was immortalized at the event.
The event was held under the theme, ‘In America: An Anthology of Fashion’, and the pregnant Barbados singer was boldly captured inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Greco-Roman galleries, enshrined in a marble.
Her iconic figure was engraved in a marbleized floral bodysuit with bare feet which stood tall amongst the hall’s countless historic statues.
Erected as a tribute to Rihanna, the statue was positioned at an enviable spot in the gallery.
Rihanna’s statue was erected in place of the statue of Eirene (The Personification of Peace), which is usually the highest-profile marble goddess at the Met.
“The statue of ‘Eirene (The Personification of Peace)’ is usually the highest-profile marble goddess @themetmuseum Greco-Roman galleries,” the hosting outlet of fashion’s biggest night explained. But now we’ve got @badgalriri, straight off this month’s Vogue cover,” Vogue eulogized the singer in a social media post.
Held on May 2, 2022, the 2022 Met Gala statue exhibition, was presented across 13 rooms in the museum.