How people cheat on their partners without knowing

Flirting is on the same scale as sleeping with someone, kissing or touching them. People need to understand that, once you are in a relationship, there are things you do which impact negatively on the relationship.
If you are not in a relationship, there is nothing wrong when flirting with others. But once you agree to be in a relationship with someone, you can’t flirt with others, you can only do that with your partner or spouse.
Words are powerful, words have impact. You can make someone feel good by your words. Flirting can cause someone develop deep feelings for you, and lead someone into believing they are in a relationship with you. It can cause them to see you as more than just a friend.
If you find yourself in a relationship or marriage where you know you are not touching or having sex with others besides your partner but your spouse doesn’t trust you, or accuses you of cheating, then please take a look at your conversation with the opposite sex and others.
If you are having so much fun chatting with others, there is a chance you are flirting. You might not have any intention of ending up in bed with them but as far as you are flirting with them, you are cheating on your partner.
If they are not your spouse or partner, there is no need calling them pet names: Sweetheart, Darling, Angel, Babe, etc. There is no need using special emoji or love emoji in your chat if you are not in a relationship with them. Being too much sweet or nice to others can cost you your relationship sometimes. Your partner is special, when you treat everyone around you like you treat your partner, your partner may start asking themselves if you are also in a relationship with others.
Be a real partner, cut off behaviours, actions, attitudes and people that threaten your relationship with your partner. Prove to your partner you are the right person. Make it easy for them to trust you.
In conclusion, “A good reputation is more valuable than the most expensive perfume.” – Ecclesiastes 7:1 (TLB).
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