HOT VIDEO: Owusu Bempah releases ‘strange’ prophecy about 2024 elections

The founder and leader of Glorious Word Power Ministries International, Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah, has once again detailed events in the spiritual realm about Ghana’s 2024 presidential election.
In the past, Reverend Owusu Bempah indicated while speaking to his congregation that, God has uplifted his spiritual position beyond predicting election results to being able appoint who becomes president of a nation.
In his latest revelation told to his church, Rev Bempah detailed how he was taken into the spiritual realm to appoint one of three persons as president of Ghana.
Delivered during a church service on Friday, May, 6, 2022, the church leader narrated how he was taken into a spiritual trance where he met two angels pulling an image from a bronze box; three figures vying for Ghana’s presidency, a man of power with a human head and a crystal figure and another angle through which the powerful man spoke.
Other figures in Rev. Owusu Bempah’s vision, according to the man of God, included two popular journalists in Ghana whom he refused to name.
He noted that in the trance, the powerful figure glowing in flames handed over to him a golden key to be given to one of the three candidates and he complied to this even though the said journalists in the dream at a point sought to question if he was going to comply.
“When I watched my time, it was some few minutes to 3 am and I had a communication with God and I had clear understanding of the vision but you do not understand. It concerns Ghana’s election in 2024. I keep saying things casually in this manner, I said the same thing in 2016 and I was ridiculed, insulted and vilified for it. But we all know it happened. So what I want to say to those interested in Ghana’s presidency is that they should get close to God. Whoever gives his heart to God, love him and his nation will be put at the helm of affairs in this country,” he explained his vision.
“I’ve said it in this manner, you may take it as a joke but it shall come to pass. You may not understand because I have not explained it into detail. You may hear it but you will not understand it and you may see it but will hard for you to understand it if you don’t have the insight,” he stated.
On his role on who becomes Ghana’s president in 2024, Rev. Bempah said, “Heaven is still thinking over the leadership of Ghana in 2024. And so if Samuel anointed Saul to be a king over Israel it was part of his calling. If Jehoiada anointed Josiah and put him on a throne it was part of his call. If Daniel helped Nebuchadnezzar’s reign it was his calling. If Mordecai helped Esther to become a first lady it was part of his calling. If Ahab had heeded to the words of Micaiah, he would have lived long. And so you must know that there are some prophets who have been anointed by God for kingdoms and governments. It has nothing to do with politics but a matter of God’s call. That was the vision I saw last night.”
Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah credits himself with accurately predicting Ghana’s presidential elections over the years.
However, in his recent statements, the prophet has stated that his spiritual power as a man of God has now been elevated to the status of anointing and appointing leaders instead of predicting.
“Last year, I prophesied that the NDC will head to the Supreme Court. When I said it, Ghanaians took it for a ride but now look at what is happening. From now onwards, anytime I’ll come out with a prophecy, I’ll be choosing a president. I won’t talk much. Whoever insults me will be ignored. God has taken me to higher levels. I’ll leave the election prediction to the small pastors and I’ll chose presidents. I’ll delay in prophesying to see what other prophets will say. They all wait for me to speak so they can have something to say. They are all copy cats. I’m the pacesetter when it comes to prophecies in Ghana,” he told his church during his December 31, 2021 watchnight service.
Watch Reverend Owusu Bempah tell his latest revelation on the 2024 elections below: